Name: lot-request Type: request Purpose: > Request a lot containing credentials for participating in an event Response: lot Inherits: message Elements: Signature: { trust_embedded_key: true } Public-Key: { required: true } Event-Id: { required: true, type: identifier, class: event } Lot-Code: required: true type: string min_length: 3 max_length: 64 encryption_required: true Notes: This request must be sent anonymously, i. e. with a randomly chosen identity. The identity and its associated keys should be deleted immediately after decrypting the response. If the lot code does not contain an event shortcode, the Event-Id element is mandatory. Rejection-Codes: 41: Unknown lot code 42: Lot has been invalidated 43: Lot has been picked up already 44: Event does not exist 45: Event shortcode is unknown 46: Event status does not allow lot requests