Name: badge-capture-note Type: request Purpose: > Record the capturing of a badge when entering or leaving a session Response: badge-capture-confirmation Inherits: message Elements: Signature: { required: true } From: { required: true } Event-Id: { required: true, type: identifier, class: event } Badge-Code: { required: true, type: string, min_length: 3, max_length: 16 } Direction: { required: true, type: string, min_length: 2, max_length: 6 } Session-Id: { type: string, min_length: 3, max_length: 32 } Ignore-Conflict: { type: boolean } Rejection-Codes: 22: Event does not exist 23: Invalid value for Direction element 31: Sender is not authorized to invalidate badges 41: Badge does not exist 42: Badge has been invalidated 43: Badge has already been recorded for this session 44: Badge has already been recorded for another session 45: Badge has not been recorded for this session